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Cerebras Systems’ $100 million AI supercomputer agreement with UAE’s G42

A view of Condor Galaxy supercomputing systems for artificial intelligence work made by Cerebras Sys... A view of Condor Galaxy supercomputing systems for artificial intelligence work made by Cerebras Systems, in Santa Clara, California, U.S., in this undated handout photo received on July 19, 2023. Courtesy of Rebecca Lewington of Cerebras Systems/Handout via REUTERS
A view of Condor Galaxy supercomputing systems for artificial intelligence work made by Cerebras Sys... A view of Condor Galaxy supercomputing systems for artificial intelligence work made by Cerebras Systems, in Santa Clara, California, U.S., in this undated handout photo received on July 19, 2023. Courtesy of Rebecca Lewington of Cerebras Systems/Handout via REUTERS

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Cerebras Systems, a renowned artificial intelligence (AI) chipmaker, inked a substantial $100 million deal with UAE-based AI company G42. The agreement involves the supply of an AI supercomputer to G42, indicating a significant step forward in AI technology and applications in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In this report, we delve into the details of the deal and its potential impact on AI capabilities and advancements in the region.

The $100 Million AI Supercomputer Deal

The $100 million deal involves Cerebras Systems providing an AI supercomputer to G42. This supercomputer is expected to offer immense computational power, enabling G42 to accelerate AI research and development and various AI-based applications and solutions.

The agreement marks a milestone in the collaboration between two prominent AI companies and signifies the growing importance of AI technology in the UAE and beyond.

Boosting AI Research and Development

With the acquisition of the AI supercomputer from Cerebras Systems, G42 is poised to significantly strengthen its AI research and development capabilities. The supercomputer’s enhanced computing power and performance will empower G42’s researchers and data scientists to conduct complex AI simulations and analyses, leading to groundbreaking innovations and advancements in AI.

This boost in research capabilities can have far-reaching effects across industries and sectors, driving further AI adoption and application.

Accelerating AI Applications

The AI supercomputer deal is expected to accelerate the deployment of AI applications and solutions in various domains. G42 can harness the supercomputer’s capabilities to enhance AI-driven technologies, such as natural language processing, computer vision, autonomous systems, and predictive analytics.

The increased deployment of AI applications can lead to transformative changes in business processes, healthcare, transportation, and other sectors, fostering a more AI-driven future.

Positioning UAE as an AI Hub

The collaboration between Cerebras Systems and G42 has the potential to position the UAE as an AI hub in the region. Acquiring state-of-the-art AI infrastructure and technology bolsters the country’s reputation as a forward-thinking nation embracing AI innovation.

The UAE’s commitment to investing in cutting-edge AI capabilities can attract talent, businesses, and investment to the region, fostering a thriving AI ecosystem.

Global Competitiveness in AI

The deal between Cerebras Systems and G42 contributes to the UAE’s global competitiveness in AI research and development. By equipping G42 with advanced AI computing technology, the country can keep pace with other AI leaders worldwide.

This increased competitiveness can stimulate collaborations, knowledge exchange, and partnerships with international AI experts and organizations.

Addressing AI Challenges

While the AI supercomputer deal brings significant opportunities, it also presents challenges for Cerebras Systems and G42. Managing and optimizing the supercomputer’s immense computational power efficiently requires specialized expertise and resources.

Both companies may need to address potential challenges related to data privacy, security, and ethical considerations as they leverage the capabilities of the AI supercomputer.


The $100 million AI supercomputer deal between Cerebras Systems and G42 marks a significant advancement in AI technology and capabilities in the UAE. The deployment of the AI supercomputer is expected to bolster AI research, accelerate AI applications, and position the UAE as an AI hub in the region.

As the collaboration unfolds, it will be essential for both companies to address challenges and seize the opportunities presented by the AI supercomputer’s capabilities. The deal paves the way for further AI innovation and transformation in the UAE, contributing to the global landscape of AI research and development.

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