Apple is known for their high tech software, reliable computers and setting the standard when it comes to technology. With the soon to be released Apple Watch on the horizon, Apple CEO Tim Cook has finally provided product Intel on the new must have.
The watch is one of the most advanced products on market today as it has it’s own touch screen, has the ability to text and can be completely personalized. The starting price begins at $350 but can grow as high as $10,000 depending on your specific preference. Three models are being released to the public, “The Watch”, “The Watch Edition” and “The Watch Sport.”
The phone is also able to make calls, which gives it that secret agent, spy vibe everyone secretly wants. Siri is also installed and the battery life will last all day (18 hours). To charge it there is an upgraded magnetic cable instead of the plug in jack. Notifications will be transported from your phone right to your watch in order to stay up on your schedule.
According to Cook, the watch is “the most personal device we have ever created.” He stated Monday at a splashy press event in San Francisco adding, “It’s not just with you, it’s on you.”
Also at the press meeting, Cook, according to Mashable,
“showed how customizable the watch face is, saying users would be able to add the date, weather, your next meeting and other informational indicators. Swiping up lets you go through various “glances,” widget-like screens to do things like checking your heart rate and your calendar.”
Apple continues to show it’s worth by marveling the world with new trendy tech. Not only have they created a machine, they have created an entire lifestyle around it. Completely personalized to the bearers liking, the Apple Watch will no doubt go down in the book of legends and be a stable in our everyday lives.
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