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House Money Effect: Meaning, Examples and FAQs

File Photo: House Money Effect: Meaning, Examples and FAQs
File Photo: House Money Effect: Meaning, Examples and FAQs File Photo: House Money Effect: Meaning, Examples and FAQs

What’s the House Money Effect?

The house money effect explains why investors take on more risk when reinvesting investment profits compared to savings or salaries. Many mistakenly see investment income as distinct from other earnings, leading to inaccurate mental accounting.

When investors mistakenly view money”  as “e”  tra” or “sepa”  ate” from other earnings, they may invest with a higher risk tolerance, skewing their investment selections.

Understanding the House Money Effect

Richard H. Thaler and Eric J. Johnson of CorUniversity’s Johnson Graduate School of Management coined  “the “house money” from casinos. The word describes a gambler who uses wins from past wagers in later bets.

After suitable investments, the house money effect advises people to acquire higher-risk stocks or other assets. After a short-term profit from a stock with a beta of 1.5, investors often trade a stock with a beta of 2 or higher. Since trading the first high-risk stock was successful, risk tolerance has grown. Next, this investor craves additional risk.

Windfall transactions may cause the house-money effect. Suppose a four-month dealinvestor’sn investor’s profit. If they can keep part of the original winnings, the house money effect implies they may take on another risky transaction instead of a less-risky one or cash out some earnings.

Longer-Term Investors and House Money Effect

Longer-term investors can suffer, too. An investor in a growth-oriented mutual fund may gain over 30% in a year due to good market circumstances. Average stock gains are 6% to 8% a year. Assuming the investor ends the growth years, they may switch to an aggressive long-short hedge fund. This may be the home money effect temporarily enhancing investor risk tolerance.

Staying the course and keeping a consistent risk tolerance or being somewhat more conservative following significant windfalls are better options for longer-term investors than the home money impact.

The house money impact applies to business stock options. Some dot-com workers declined to execute their stock options, believing holding them and letting them triple, then triple again was better. Workers suffered when paper millionaires lost everything in 2000 due to this practice.

House Money Effect vs. Winners Ride

Technical analysts distinguish between the house money ef  “ect and “letting winn”  rs ride.” Technical traders reduce risk by cashing out half a bet after reaching an initial price goal. Technical traders usually raise their stop before letting the second part of the transaction hit a secondary price goal.

Many technical traders employ this strategy to profit from the minority of trades that keep rising while avoiding the house money effect. Calculation distinguishes these ideas. Using a scientifically determined position-size strategy to let winners ride can compound winnings. In the past, traders have recorded how these methods contributed to their success.

Risk tolerance—what is it?

Trade and investment risk tolerance is a person’s willingness to take risks. An individual with a high-risk tolerance can take more risks. They will buy assets or techniques with significant loss and return risks. People with low-risk tolerance are opposites. They chose low-risk ventures to avoid losing money. Younger individuals are more risk-tolerant since they have their whole lives to make money or recover from losses. Retirement-age people are risk-averse because they want to save money.

Volatility: Good for Trading?

Yes, trading benefits from volatility. When markets are turbulent, price fluctuations increase, creating opportunities for above-average earnings. Volatility increases losses, however. Extra-large price swings would amplify their losses. Volatility creates trading chances.

What Is Investment Profit Capital Gains Tagainsperson’s ordinary income tax bracket applies to investments held for less than a year. Capital gains tax applies to assets held longer than a year. Capital gains tax is 0%, 15%, and 20%.


  • People risk more with profits due to the effect of house money on behavioral finance.
  • People think the investor has new money, which causes the impact.
  • Many examples of this phenomenon lack rigor.
  • The impact of house money is different from a statistically calculated approach of raising position size when gains exceed expectations.


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