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International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Definition, Activities

File Photo: International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Definition, Activities
File Photo: International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Definition, Activities File Photo: International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Definition, Activities

To what does the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) belong?

More than one thousand different kinds of businesses belong to the International Chamber of Commerce. With a wide range of business interests, the ICC speaks for 45 million companies in more than 100 countries.

The ICC has networks of groups and experts from various business fields. In addition, they stay in touch with the UN, the World Trade Organization, and other groups that work between governments.

How the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Works

Its goal is to encourage and protect open markets for goods and services and the free flow of cash worldwide. The ICC is in charge of many things, such as making rules, settling disputes, promoting policies, and teaching people. The ICC also fights business crime and corruption to help the economy grow, create jobs, keep jobs stable, and ensure the economy is doing well.

The ICC has unmatched power in making rules for foreign business because its members and their partners always do it. Even though people don’t have to follow these rules, thousands of transactions occur daily as part of average foreign trade.

What the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has done in the past

The ICC was set up in 1919 in Paris, France. Its international office was also set up in Paris, and in 1923, it became home to the International Court of Arbitration. Étienne Clémentel, a French politician from the early 1900s, was the first chair of the house.2

Groups that run the ICC

Four main groups run the ICC. 3 The World Council comprises national committee representatives and is the leading governing group. The World Council picks the chair and vice-chair of the ICC every two years. They are the organization’s top leaders.

The executive board tells the ICC what its long-term goals are. The World Council picks the board, which comprises 30 business leaders who are automatically members. The executive board’s main job is to develop ICC plans and ensure policies are followed.

It is the job of the International Secretariat, which is part of the ICC, to ensure that the work program is carried out and that intergovernmental groups understand business perspectives. The World Council chooses the secretary-general in charge of this governing group.

The finance group helps the executive board with all things related to money. This committee makes the budget for the board, sends in regular reports, looks at how ICC events affect the organization’s finances and keeps an eye on all spending and income.


  • With 45 million companies from more than 100 countries as members, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is the world’s most prominent business group.
  • The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) encourages international trade and commerce. The ICC also protects open markets for goods and services and the free cash flow.
  • The ICC helps businesses in many ways, such as making rules, settling disputes, promoting policies, and giving training.
  • The ICC has a vast network of panels and experts from various business areas. These groups keep members up to date on all the issues that affect their fields.
  • The International Criminal Court stays in touch with the UN, the World Trade Organization, and other groups that work between governments.



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