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Second World

File Photo: Second World
File Photo: Second World File Photo: Second World

What is the second world?

Former Soviet-controlled nations were included in the archaic phrase “second world.” One-party nations and economies with central planning characterized the Second World. Notably, not long after the Cold War ended in the early 1990s, the phrase “second world” was seldom used to describe Soviet nations.

However, the phrase “second world” has also been used to refer to nations that are less developed and less stable than first-world nations but more developed and stable than the derogatory term “third-world” nations. By this view, practically all Latin America, South America, Turkey, Thailand, South Africa, and many more are examples of second-world countries. Occasionally, investors refer to second-world nations that seem sure to become first-world nations as “emerging markets” instead.

According to these two categories, several nations can be categorized as second-world.

Understanding Second World

According to the first description, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, and China are a few examples of second-world nations.

Regarding the second term, geostrategist and PhD recipient from the London School of Economics Parag Khanna estimates that there are around 100 nations that fall between the first world (OECD) and third world (least-developed, or LDC) categories. Khanna highlights that first and second, second and third, or first and third world qualities may coexist within a single nation. For example, a nation’s large cities may have first-world traits, while its rural sections may display third-world traits. Beijing and Shanghai are examples of China’s enormous riches, although many rural areas are still classified as underdeveloped.

Essential Elements in Determining Global Segregations

A nation’s status may be ascertained by looking at variables like its unemployment rate, infant mortality and life expectancy rates, living standards, and income distribution.

Specific claim that inside the United States, although much of the country is fully developed, certain areas are growing slowly or even regressing to a position more in line with a developing nation. According to economist Peter Temin of MIT, the US has even fallen to the position of a developing country. Temin estimates that 80% of all Americans work in low-paying fields where they face debt burdens and few opportunities for advancement.


  • When the phrase “second world” first appeared, it described the Soviet Union and other communist nations.
  • Subsequently, it was changed to include countries between first- and third-world countries in terms of economic metrics and development status.
  • South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, and Latin and South American nations are on the list.

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