There are a myriad of chemicals that are meant for everyday use that are known to affect posterity in a terribly way indeed. Just like radiation and other harmful agents, even something as trite as a simple antidepressant can actually cause birth defects according to a profound new study.
Apparently, the use of antidepressants when a woman is pregnant may affect the child in a bad way. A British Journal called the BMJ has published the results of these studies by American researchers.
According to the studies, drugs like Praxil and Prozac are closely associated with high rates of birth defects. However, results for drugs like Seratonin and SSRIs did not really yield very conclusive results.
Even though more studies on this matter will probably be conducted, it is advised for mothers to avoid taking such tablets during pregnancy. Dr. Jan Friedman from the University of British Columbia has co-authored the study.
Dr. Friedman said,
“We talk a lot about the fact that there are all these studies and they don’t agree. The fact is they do agree, in the big picture. There’s none of them that suggests that these are really dangerous drugs. We’re not talking about thalidomide. We’re not talking about fetal alcohol syndrome. We’re not talking about things that have that kind of risk.”
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