3 years later to the big and revolutionary announcement of the iPod, Apple decides to say goodbye. The Classic debuted in October 2001 by Steve Jobs, and gets the acceptance of the public favorably.
The revolutionary invention takes by far the attention of every body, and taken the lead to the cd players. Since then no one ever talks about a cd player. The competitors started creating something similar, known as the mp3 players, but never succeeded like the iPod.
Now the company is moving forward to big smartphones, touch screens and wearable technologies.
If you are a big fan of the iPod, don’t worry, the iPod family continues with the iPod Touch line.
Apple is expected to release the 6th generation of the Touch line soon. The IOS 8 unveiling increased the expectations. The last generation was released with the iPhone 5s, and was redesigned to look like the smartphone.
Remember, if you have iPod classic, preserve it!
Dear iPod Classic, you will never be forgotten.
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