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How Illegal Items are found and destroyed in John F. Kennedy Airport

A security officer checking illegal items
Security officer checking illegal items- picture by BonnieHanderson- from pixabay Security officer checking illegal items- picture by BonnieHanderson- from pixabay
A security officer checking illegal items
Security officer checking illegal items- picture by BonnieHanderson- from pixabay Security officer checking illegal items- picture by BonnieHanderson- from pixabay

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43,000 people travel yearly to the United States of America for various purposes. They carry along with different legal and illegal items. Some end up carrying harmful gadgets that can harm others. Inspection of the bags takes place immediately after arrival.

What are illegal Items not to travel with?

Special machines with trained personnel inspect almost 1000bags per hour at JFK Airport. There exist two categories of inspectors, the officer and the Agricultural specialist. The main area for security officers is narcotics drugs as some business people carry them. Likewise, the Agricultural specialist investigates unwanted food staff, including seedlings.

Steven Robinson is an officer who talks about narcotic drugs. He says there is a high risk of individuals when a foreigner carries illegal items. Drugs and firearms are the most dangerous things that lead to a court charge. He has a dog, which is highly trained as a passive smoker of drugs. The dog sniffs, and if the sample is found, the officer looks into the bag himself.

Steven talks of different dogs calling upon various rewards after a successful job. Like the current one, the dog enjoys playing with Mr. Steven after a successful deal. Therefore he takes five minutes to indulge in a game with the dog to perform the task again. That is part of daily exercises.

In addition, any food that remains after the flight has alight should go into dumping sites. Or if the inspection takes place, the food gets destroyed, or an individual pays up to a $1000 fine. Illegal items are taken into an unauthorized room for further check-ups, a report by a Business Insider.

Agricultural specialist checks for food samples

Ginger Perrone, an Agricultural Specialist, says much of agriculture gets destroyed daily. Trees and other types of seeds from foreign countries are also investigated.

James Armstrong, another Agricultural Specialist, speaks of grocery food. Going through all bags might become tiresome and monotonous. Therefore, they have trained dogs for sniffing foods. It is scientifically proven that the dog has 90% accuracy compared to normal human beings. If a bag has an unwanted food sample, James opens the bag and checks all items one by one.

A security police dog sniffing

A security dog- picture from pixabay fantareis

The foodstuffs collected are packed into boxes and taken to a No-entry room. Grinding takes place in a private special room. Perone says almost 120 pounds of food samples get ground daily. This means many foodstuffs get destroyed by the JFK community, a report by the World Airport Guide.

Most illegal food samples

The most destroyed foods are Avacado, citrus, and Mango. We have a group of people who will put drugs between an Avacado to use it in the country. That’s the reason grinder crushes all sample foods to identify such gadgets. Perrone cuts some citrus and finds small seeds carrying narcotic drugs. Other staff regarded as harmful are then sent to the US Agriculture Board for further examination. Likewise, low-quality seedlings and seeds go to the lab for testing before the journey commences.

Travelers have different intentions to the USA. The same goes for illegal business while others travel for good intentions. Despite your rank in the government or any place, inspection is equally measured. Then, it’s the owner who decides to pack himself or the officer to do that for him.

In 19s to early 2000, many goods were just allowed into the country. It was then that CBP formed. Customer Border Protection ensures any bag arriving in the U.S. only contains accepted items into the country.

James Armstrong assures Business Insider that the US has all types of food. One can only carry along clothes and money, but the US grocery store has all kinds of food samples. Furthermore, all types of fruits, vegetables, and food are available in the U.S. market. Therefore, there is no importance in carrying more food to the country.

Let us support each other. Following the law of the country is a wise decision. CBP will put in more effort to ensure equality in checking all bags. Your satisfaction in checking ensures complete protection of the country.


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