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Brussels attacker may have been shot in a cafe, mayor says

An ambulance drives near King Baudouin Stadium
An ambulance drives near King Baudouin Stadium after the match between Belgium and Sweden was suspen... An ambulance drives near King Baudouin Stadium after the match between Belgium and Sweden was suspended following a shooting in Brussels, Belgium, October 17, 2023 REUTERS/Johanna Geron
An ambulance drives near King Baudouin Stadium
An ambulance drives near King Baudouin Stadium after the match between Belgium and Sweden was suspen... An ambulance drives near King Baudouin Stadium after the match between Belgium and Sweden was suspended following a shooting in Brussels, Belgium, October 17, 2023 REUTERS/Johanna Geron

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According to Philippe Close, the mayor of Brussels, the guy who shot and murdered two Swedish nationals in the Belgian capital on Monday may have been detained on Tuesday. Close responded to rumors of an arrest in a cafe in the Brussels neighborhood of Schaerbeek by saying, “It seems indeed the suspect has been neutralized.”

According to Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden, the automatic weapon discovered on the “neutralized person” was the identical one used in the attack. In a terrible terrorist attack, as Swedish Prime Minister Alexander De Croo described, the 45-year-old Tunisian shooter also injured a third citizen of Sweden.

Before this, the prosecution had stated that they were seeking confirmation that the person was the suspect. The nation has elevated the degree of security alert for its capital city to the highest level, enhanced police presence, especially for Swedish citizens and institutions, and issued public advisories urging people to exercise extreme caution and avoid needless travel.

In a video broadcast online, a guy who described himself as a supporter of the Islamic State took ownership. Police were aware of the attacker due to people smuggling and illegal habitation in the nation, Justice Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne said during a press conference earlier on Tuesday. The attacker had unsuccessfully applied for asylum in Belgium in November 2019.

As a result of Koran burnings and other activities in Sweden against Islam’s holy scripture, upsetting Muslims, and evoking threats from jihadists, Sweden increased its terror warning to the second-highest level in August.

In a video posted on social media, the alleged attacker—Abdesalem Al Guilani—proclaimed that he was a warrior for Allah.

Although a federal prosecutor in Belgium claimed there was no proof that the assailant had any connection to the recently rekindled conflict between Israel and Palestinian terrorists, the shooting occurred when security worries in certain European nations about the Israel-Hamas conflict were at an all-time high.

A man in an orange jacket on a scooter at a street intersection with a rifle initially fired five rounds, then followed individuals running inside a building before firing again, according to video footage of the Brussels incident provided on the daily Het Laatste Nieuws website.

A media transcript of the self-declared perpetrator’s video message revealed that he said he killed Swedes to exact retribution for the cause of Muslims.

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