No one likes getting bumped from a flight. But the idea of being bumped or “walked” from a hotel is even more unbearable. After dealing with all the trials and tribulations of getting yourself from one city to another, the last thing anyone wants to deal with is more trouble from their hotel.
Yet, like airlines, hotels often book more rooms than they have available. This often leaves the hotel with the difficult job of finding an empty room for their guests at some other hotel. Thankfully the good people at WalkSource have your back.
WalkSource is a subscription based service that hotels can sign up with that will take the hassle of being “walked” out of both the hotel and guests hands. By continually incorporating new hotels to the company’s service, hotels are able to quickly look up which hotels have vacancies. While the airline industry already has a similar system in place, the company explained that they were the first to address the problem in the hotel industry.
Currently the service is only available in the San Francisco Bay Area, and the company already has more than 200 hotels signed up. The service costs $200 a month, and once the service picks up steam it plans on expanding to other large metropolitans like New York City and Chicago. By using the system WalkSource founders claim the average “walk” only takes about 10 minutes to settle.
In typical cases where guests are “walked” the new room is comped. If guests are able to quickly be transferred from one hotel to another without having to spend hours waiting, then thats all you can really ask for. Whether it be business or pleasure, no one wants to have to deal with unnecessary headaches while on the road. It seems WalkSource has become the problem solvers that the industry didn’t know it was waiting for.
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