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Ready to maximize your profits in the cryptocurrency market? Learn how to calculate your capital gains accurately and keep more of your earnings with our comprehensive guide.



  • The IRS taxes capital gains from cryptocurrency, so it’s important to calculate them correctly to minimize your tax bill and maximize your return.
  • Some examples of these approaches to calculating capital gains include the first-in, first-out (FIFO) technique and the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method, each of which has its own pros and cons.
  • Several factors, including transaction fees, mining incentives, airdrops, and forks, may impact capital gains calculations.
  • Capital gains tax calculations may be made easier with the help of various resources, such as tax software and accounting services.
  • The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) mandates precise reporting of capital gains on tax returns, which may necessitate using several tax forms and schedules.
  • Those who have cryptocurrency transactions that are particularly complicated or who do not have a solid grasp of tax law may consider hiring an accountant.
  • Making wise investment choices and adhering to cryptocurrency rules depend on properly calculating cryptocurrency capital gains tax.



More and more individuals are investing in cryptocurrencies and other digital assets due to their recent meteoric popularity. However, accurately calculating capital gains is a key but often-overlooked feature of cryptocurrency. In this article, we will discuss cryptocurrency capital gains, why it is crucial to calculate them accurately for tax reasons and provide an overview of what readers may anticipate learning.


Gains on the sale or exchange of digital assets are capital gains in the cryptocurrency market. Whether you profit or lose money while selling or exchanging cryptocurrency is categorized as a capital gain or loss. It is crucial to calculate capital gains accurately to avoid penalties since the IRS taxes them.


Over or underpayment of taxes may result from incorrectly calculating capital gains. Underpaying taxes may result in penalties and interest from the Internal Revenue Service while overpaying taxes means you lose money needlessly. Conversely, you may reduce taxes and increase earnings by accurately calculating capital gains tax.


This article will provide an in-depth explanation of how to calculate cryptocurrency capital gains. We will provide step-by-step instructions for the three methods for calculating capital gains, including FIFO, LIFO, and Specific Identification. We will also discuss factors, like as transaction fees, mining incentives, airdrops, and forks, that might alter capital gains estimates.


In addition, we will provide an overview of the different tax software and accounting services available for calculating capital gains. We will also discuss how to record capital gains on cryptocurrency returns, the many cryptocurrency forms and schedules that may be required, and advice on preventing frequent errors when reporting cryptocurrency gains.


Precise computation of cryptocurrency capital gains tax is essential to prevent penalties, reduce penalties, and increase earnings. You may ensure proper reporting on tax returns by familiarizing yourself with the various methods for calculating capital gains, considering factors that may alter computations, and using the many tools and resources available. We will provide further information on each subject in the following sections.




The profit made from the sale or exchange of an asset is referred to as capital gains in the financial industry. The profit made through selling, trading, or spending digital assets is known as capital gains in the context of cryptocurrency.


Any transaction in which digital assets are exchanged for another good or service is subject to capital gains taxation. The $2,000 difference, for instance, is considered a capital gain if you acquire Bitcoin for $10,000 and sell it for $12,000. Likewise, the difference is considered a capital gain if you exchange one cryptocurrency for another, and its value rises.


Capital gains may result from a variety of transactions. Buying, selling, and spending digital assets are the most prevalent uses. For example, you must calculate a transaction’s capital gain or loss if you sell Bitcoin for cash. The difference in value is considered a capital gain or loss if you exchange one cryptocurrency for another or use cryptocurrency to buy products and services.


Important capital gains from cryptocurrency are subject to taxation by the Internal Revenue Service. This implies that you must disclose any profit made through the sale, exchange, or purchase of digital assets on your tax return. Failure to accurately record capital gains may result in fines and interest charges from the Internal Revenue Service.

Photo: Swyftx

Understanding how to accurately calculate the tax consequences of capital gains from cryptocurrency investments is important. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released instructions for reporting cryptocurrency capital gains, and many methodologies exist for determining gains based on the nature of the transaction.


The FIFO (First-In, First-Out), LIFO (Last-In, First-Out), and Specific Identification techniques are the most popular for determining cryptocurrency capital gains. Choosing the best method for your unique scenario is important since each method has benefits and drawbacks.


In conclusion, “capital gains” refers to the profit made by selling, exchanging, or purchasing digital assets. It is important to calculate these gains accurately to minimize fines and maximize earnings since they are subject to taxation by the IRS. You can better manage your finances and comply with tax regulations if you know the many types of cryptocurrency transactions that might result in capital gains and the tax consequences of these gains.




Although it might be difficult to calculate cryptocurrency capital gains and losses, it is necessary to declare earnings and losses to the IRS. We will provide an overview of the IRS requirements for computing capital gains, explain the various methods for calculating capital gains, and provide detailed instructions for each. Along with the computations, we’ll provide some sample scenarios to help illustrate them.


Cryptocurrency is considered property by the IRS, meaning capital gains and losses must be recorded on your tax return. The difference between a cryptocurrency’s purchase price and selling price is known as the capital gain, while the difference between the sale price and the purchase price is known as the capital loss.


FIFO, LIFO, or Specific Identification are the three methods that the IRS mandates taxpayers to employ when computing cryptocurrency capital gains. Using these methods, it is possible to determine which cryptocurrency units are being bought and sold.


Methods of Computing Capital Gains and Losses Explanation


  1. Selling the oldest cryptocurrency units first is known as FIFO (First-In, First-Out). This means the first cryptocurrency units you buy will be the last ones you sell.


  1. When selling cryptocurrency, it’s best to eliminate the most recent units, a practice known as LIFO (Last-In, First-Out). This means the first cryptocurrency units you sell will be the last ones you buy.


  1. Specifying the exact cryptocurrency units you buy, sell, or swap is known as Specific Identification. Although this method might be more difficult, it gives the seller more control over which units are sold.


Follow these procedures to calculate capital gains using FIFO:


  1. Find out the cost basis and purchase date of each cryptocurrency unit you hold.


  1. If you are selling or exchanging cryptocurrency, you should first unload your holdings of previously purchased units.


  1. Subtracting the purchase price from the selling price will provide the capital gain or loss for each unit sold.


  1. Total the capital gains or losses from all sold units.


Use Specific Identification to calculate capital gains, then follow these steps:


  1. First, specify the exact cryptocurrency units that you are buying or selling.


  1. Locate the date and cost basis of purchase for each of these units.


  1. Subtracting the purchase price from the selling price will provide the capital gain or loss for each unit sold.


  1. Total the capital gains or losses from all sold units.


Illustrations of the Math with Some Real-World Examples:


Suppose you bought one Bitcoin for $10,000 in January 2020 and another for $12,000 in December of the same year. The Bitcoin you sold in March of 2021 brought you $15,000.


You would sell the Bitcoin you purchased in January 2020 first using FIFO. Thus its cost basis is $10,000, and its selling price is $15,000. You have a $5,000 capital gain.


Using the Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) method, you would sell any Bitcoin you purchased in December 2020. This Bitcoin was purchased for $12,000, making the selling price $15,000. This means you’ve made a $3,000 capital gain.


To calculate the capital gain or loss, you would utilize Specific Identification to identify the Bitcoin you sold and its unique cost basis.




There are a variety of factors that impact the ultimate result when it comes to calculating capital gains for cryptocurrency. Therefore, these important factors must be considered to calculate capital gains effectively.


  1. Commissions on Deals

Transaction costs are one factor that might impact capital gains estimates. The cryptocurrency exchange you purchase and sell will likely charge you a fee. When calculating your capital gains, you need to account for these costs since they might accumulate over time. In most cases, transaction fees are deducted from the amount of cryptocurrency you sold or traded, which means they are viewed as a cost-basis adjustment.


  1. Benefits of Mining

The earnings you receive from mining cryptocurrency will also impact your capital gains computations. You need to include in your income for the year the value of the cryptocurrency you receive as a mining incentive. You’ll need to calculate the true market value of the cryptocurrency you receive as a reward and report it as income.


  1. Airdrops

Airdrops are an additional factor that might impact capital gains computations. During airdrops, a cryptocurrency project gives tokens or coins to its community for free. If participating in an airdrop, you must report the fair market value of the tokens or coins you receive as income. If you subsequently sell or exchange the tokens or coins you got as part of the airdrop, this may impact your capital gains estimates.


  1. Forks

The last factor that may impact capital gains computations is forks. When one cryptocurrency project divides into two distinct projects, each with its blockchain, this is known as a fork. If you own cryptocurrency that is the subject of a fork, you must determine the fair market value of the new cryptocurrency you will receive due to the fork. If you subsequently sell or exchange the new cryptocurrency, this may impact your capital gains computations.


It’s important to account for these factors when calculating capital gains. As a result of these factors, you will often need to determine the fair market value of any cryptocurrency you receive and report that value as income. In addition, if you paid any transaction fees, you’ll need to include them in your cost base.


Calculating capital gains exchange might be more difficult if you have cryptocurrency in various wallets or exchanges. To determine your total capital gains for the year, you will often need to calculate your capital gains for each transaction individually and then aggregate those findings. Therefore, tracking all your cryptocurrency transactions, including the time and date, the amount of cryptocurrency involved, and the cryptocurrency’s fair market value, is important. You may correctly calculate your cryptocurrency capital gains and remain compliant with tax rules by maintaining careful records and considering these factors.




Investors must be careful when calculating capital gains for tax reasons as the cryptocurrency industry expands. To assist in making this process simpler, there are some tools and resources accessible. We’ll look at some of the most popular choices and discuss their features and advantages in this section.


Calculating capital gains tax is one of the most popular tax tools. There are several choices on the market, each with advantages and features. For cryptocurrency investors, some of the most popular tax software include:


  1. The cryptocurrency portfolio management and tax reporting application CoinTracking do it all. Its features include automated imports from exchanges and wallets, real-time profit and loss monitoring, and tax reporting for several jurisdictions.


  1. TokenTax: For cryptocurrency tax reporting, TokenTax is another popular choice. It supports several accounting techniques (including FIFO, LIFO, and particular identification) and automatically imports from over 30 exchanges and wallets.


  1. The CryptoTrader.The tax reporting tool is easy to use and understand. Several different types of accounting are supported, and it can automatically import data from over twenty different exchanges and wallets.


The procedure of calculating capital gains is often simple after you have selected tax software. You may choose an accounting system, and most tax preparation software will automatically import your transaction history from exchanges and wallets and utilize it to determine your capital gains. You may make the necessary tax reports there and submit them with your return.


Although capital gains tax software may help calculate capital gains reporting, some investors may find it more convenient to hire an accountant. Services that an accountant may provide include:


  1. Calculating capital gains and losses with assistance
  2. Strategies for minimizing taxes, as recommended
  3. Aid in completing tax forms
  4. Look for an accountant who has worked with cryptocurrency tax reporting before hiring them. Expertise in the specific tax issues raised by cryptocurrency investments is a must for them to be trusted advisors.


Calculating cryptocurrency investments’ capital gains with accuracy is crucial for tax reasons. To simplify this procedure, a wide range of tools and resources are accessible. Taking the effort to calculate your capital gains accurately may help you avoid fines and assure compliance with tax rules, whether you do it yourself using tax software or with the aid of a professional accountant.




The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires cryptocurrency investors to report capital gains on their tax filings. However, those unfamiliar with cryptocurrency investments or tax reporting may need help reporting capital gains. This section of the article will provide you with an overview of the IRS requirements for reporting cryptocurrency capital gains, including the various tax forms and schedules that may need to be filed, how to report capital gains for different types of cryptocurrency transactions and tips for avoiding common mistakes when reporting cryptocurrency capital gains.


For tax reasons, cryptocurrency is considered property by the Internal Revenue Service; as such, both capital gains and losses incurred through cryptocurrency investments are taxable. The amount of capital gains tax due is determined by the cryptocurrency’s holding duration, purchase price, and sale price.


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) mandates that all taxpayers who have sold, swapped, or otherwise disposed of cryptocurrency report any resulting capital gains or losses. Failure to report cryptocurrency capital gains may result in fines and penalties from the Internal Revenue Service.


Different types of cryptocurrency transactions throughout the tax year may require using different forms and schedules to report capital gains on tax returns. The most popular tax forms and schedules for reporting cryptocurrency capital gains are as follows:


  1. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1040 is the standard form for reporting personal income and deductions.


  1. Capital gains and losses from the sale or exchange of assets, including cryptocurrency, are reported on Schedule D of Form 1040.


  1. This form, titled “Form 8949,” is used to report the purchase date, sale date, and sale or exchange price for any cryptocurrency transaction that resulted in a capital gain or loss.


  1. Schedule 1 reports supplementary income, such as cryptocurrency from mining, staking, or airdrops.


Depending on the type of transaction executed, the technique utilized to determine cryptocurrency capital gains varies. For instance, if you sold any cryptocurrency, you’d have to determine your capital gain or loss by comparing the sale price to your original investment in the cryptocurrency. If you were paid in cryptocurrency, you are legally required to report the cryptocurrency’s fair market value as income.


To properly account for capital gains, it is crucial to maintain detailed records of all cryptocurrency transactions. This entails recording the date and time of the transaction, the type of cryptocurrency bought or sold, the amount of cryptocurrency purchased or sold, and the cost basis.


It may be difficult to report cryptocurrency capital gains, and doing so incorrectly might result in IRS fines and penalties. Here are some guidelines to assist you in properly reporting capital gains from cryptocurrency:


  1. First, keep track of your cryptocurrency transactions.


  1. If you want an exact capital gains tax refund, use tax software.


  1. Before sending your taxes to the IRS, double-check all forms and schedules to ensure correctness.


  1. If you have questions about how to report capital gains from cryptocurrency, you should consult a tax or accounting expert.




Everything you need to know about calculating cryptocurrency capital gains has been covered in this post. First, we established a working definition of capital gains and how it relates to cryptocurrency exchanges. Then, we offered in-depth explanations and examples of the various methods for calculating capital gains, including FIFO, LIFO, and Specific Identification.


We also discussed factors that might affect capital gains estimates, like transaction fees, mining incentives, airdrops, and forks. Finally, we explained how to account for these factors and determine capital gains for cryptocurrency in several wallets or exchanges.


We also examined the numerous resources and instruments for calculating capital gains, including tax software and accountancy services. We examined the functions and advantages of many well-known tax software programs and explained how to use them for calculating capital gains. When it could be advantageous to engage, an accountant was also discussed.


Last but not least, we covered the IRS rules for reporting capital gains on tax returns, including the various tax forms and schedules that may need to be submitted. We discussed properly recording cryptocurrency capital gains and avoiding the most typical reporting blunders.


Calculating and reporting cryptocurrency capital gains is essential for tax reasons. We hope the readers of this post will use the rules and methods we gave to guarantee they are correctly calculating and reporting their capital gains. So, begin calculating your cryptocurrency capital gains right now.

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